01-23-56 17 JANUARY 23rd, 1956. A Regular Hooting of the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, was held in the Commission Chambers at 7:30 P. H., with Hayor H. Yargates in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson, Jr., City Attor- ney John H. Adams and the following Commission Hembers bein~ present; Catherine E. Strong, W. J. Snow and Emory J. Barrow, a quorum being Dres ent. Commissioner Strong moved that the Hinutes of the Special and Hegular Hootings, held on January 9th, be approved as corrected. tion was seconded by Commissioner B~rrow and unanimously carried. Chief of Police H. C. Croft and other members of the Police Depratment have favored and requested enactment of a "Retirement Fund". Chapter 28230 of the Florida Statutes, Acts of 1953, provides for po- lice offfficers retirement, which, in effeot, is similar to the Firemens Pension Fund. Contributions to such ~Fund" are derived from Police Department members payroll deductions and collection of 1~ of gross receipts for premiums resulting from Casualty Insurance placed within the boundaries of th'e City of Delray Beach. City Hanager Wo Eo Lawson, Jr., then read Ordinance G-231, caption of which is as follows: OHDINANCE G-231. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELHAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING AND IHPOSING UPON ALL INSURERS, NOW OR HEREAFTER ENGAGING IN OR CARRYING ON THE BUSINESS OF INSUHING WITH RESPECT TO CASUALTY RISKS AN EX- CISE OR LICENSE TAX IN ADDITION TO ANY TAX NOW LEVIED, OR 1~ OF THE GROSS AHOUNT OF RECEIPTS OF 'ALL PREHIUHS FROH CASUALTY~INSUHANCE POLICIES IN- SUHING PROPEHTY WITHIN THE HUNICIPAL LIHITS OF THE CITY OF DEIA~Y BEACH, FLORIDA, AND PRO¥IDING WHEN SAID TAX SHALL BE DUE AND PAYABLE. Commissioner Strong moved that Ordinance G-231 be placed on first reading. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried.- The City Hanager informed the Commission of having received a bill from the developer of Delray Isles sub-division in the amount of $2,446.42 representing the City's share of the construction costs for "Beach Drive" between Andrews Avenue and the Waterway for which expense the Commission has previously, on Hay 18th, 1955, agreed to share with Booth-Westerman, Inc. :The City Hanager further advised of this work having been eom- pleted and Commissioner Barrow moved approval and payment of said Bill in the amount of $2,446.42. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. '": The City Hanager advised of having received the following per diem rates from four accounting firms.  E. Keen. Himes & Batsman & (..- .,~.~..~ Himes Jeffries s CPA 60.00 50.00 55.00 45.00 Senior Accountant 40.00 35.00 38.50 35.00 Junior Accountant 35.00 22.50 27.50 27.50 Commissioner Snow moved that Batsman & Jeffries, of Hiviera Beach, be re-appointed, for the current fiscal year, as auditors for the City of Delray Beach. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. JANUARY 23rd, 1956. City ~lanager Lawson informed the Co~nission of having received proposal for engineering services in connection with ~ap~ovementa~ to the Cityts municipal water and sanitary sewerage system, from'.Smi~h Gillespie and this ~atter being of paramount, importance the Hanager recolended a joint study off the i~provements and proposal, ~Jan~ry 16, 1956. Honorable ~yor and City Co~issioners City off Delray Beth Delray Beach, Florida SU~ECT: PHO~SSION~ ENGINEERING S~C~ - ~ater and Sewage Facilities Gentlem~: In acco~ance ~th the request of yo~ City Hanager to ~ylie ~. Gillespie, ye have the honor to submit this proposal for professional engineering services in co~ection vith ~prove- ments to the City*s m~icipal water and sanitary sewerage systems. ~e rill make engineering su~eys, investigations and studies conce~g a~itional water supply, treatm~t and distribution; a re-e~aluation of plus prepared by this firm approximately ten years ago for a sanitary sewerage and sewage treatment project, vith additional surveys, investigations and studies required to extend the scope off the originally conceived sewage project accomodate the present and i~ediately foreseeable ffuture quirements off the City for sanitary sewerage facilities. ~e propose to provide engineering services in connection ~ith the foregoing and incorporate In a report For your study our conclusions, estimates and recommendations resulting ff~m a thorough investigation and analysis off yo~ current and estimated Future requirements in regard to your water utility and a s~itary sewerage system ~ sewage treatment plant.. As you are aware, we are intimately familiar vith your~ existing wate~ utility from the standpoint off ~ts physical prope~ties, capacities and the characteristics off the wate~ being distributed. F~ther studies would be primarily con- cerned vith re~val off color and other ~des[rable character- istics of the present and additional well supply; vith quired reinfforcements off yo~ present distribution system, and vith the extension of you~ present distribution system to serve new areas, any such areas to be desl~ated by the City to included in our study and report. In co~ection vith sanitary sewerage facilities, vt p~posm to present in the report all engineering ~fomation necessa~ for the detemination of a Scope of sewage works vhich may be feasible to be ~dert~en by the City at this ti~e. ~e char- acter of these reeom~ndatZons would be such that Zmediate and proposed ffut~e construction would all Fit in to an ~nte- grated sewage works system and would not contemplate abandon- ment off any portion of the work to be constructed due to any necessity eccasioned by future g~wth for additional insofar as no~ can be forseen. ~e report would ~clude p~eli~nary cost estimtes of con- struction, of operation and a discussion of economic cOnsider- ations; it would provide a clear ~derstanding off the engineer- ing ~eat~es off the proposed tmpro~ements and would present the subject d~v[ded ~nt~ appropriate divisions, portions or sections so that the inffo~ation will be readily available to make decis* ions as to the scope off work it is desired to plan and construct, l? JANUARY 23rd, 1956, The report would present, also, factual data and engineering exttmates for the use of such financial agency as the city may deal with in arranging for the financing of the work. We propose to make the studies outlined above and to person- ally present the report to the City, entering into at that time any discussions or clariffications which may be desired. We propose to provide further engineering services in connect- ion with the preparation of plans and specifications for any tion or portions of either the water works system or the sanitary sewerage facilities the City may determine to construct, provide assistance to the City in advertising for construction bids and awarding construction contracts, and furnish engineering supervis- ion of the construction undertaken. The fee for the preparations of the report and the foregoing further services will be in accord- ance with the Schedule of Basic HinimumEngineering Fees as recom- mended by the Florida Engineering Society, 1955, copy of which is attached hereto. In the event this Firm is not authorized by the City prior to December 1, 1956, to prepare plans and speciffications for a reason- ably. comprehensive scope of the work recommended in the report, the City shall pay this fi~m the sum of Two Thousand Dollars($2,000o00) to partially reimburse us for the cost of developing the preliminary report. In the event that subsequent to December 1, 1956, the City authorizes this firm to prepare plans and specifications for work as recommended in the report, we shall give the City credit for the amount paid to us for the report by absorbing that amount in the fee For ~lans and specifications at the rate of one-half of one percent (0.5~) of the estimated construction cost of the work for which plans and specifications are authorized. In any event the report will analyze the status of the plans prepared in connection with the sanitary sewers in 1946 and set out those that can be salvaged after the ten year interval and be used as they now stand. This firm will advise with the City and come to a mutual agreement as to the credit that will be allowed for ~uch usable plans. Upon the City's acceptance of this proposal, in duplicate, in the space provided below and receipt by this firm of an executed copy hereof, we will assign adequate qualified personnel to com- mence the development of this engineering report on water and sew- erage facilities and complete the report as soon as all factors in- volved may be properly considered. Assuring you of our desire to cooperate with you to any extent we can in connection with any pro,ram of improvements you may de- cide to undertake, we remain. Very truly yours, SMI~fI AND OlLLESPIE, ENGINEEHS /S/ W. Austin Smith, Partner" Commissioner Barrow then moved that this matter be deferred fqr.further study. Notion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Comission~r Strong moved for acceptance of offer from Booth- Westerman, Inc, JANUARY 23rd, 1956. "BOOTH WESTEP~IAN, INC. Delray Beach, Florida. January 17, 1956 H~n. Michael Yargates, Mayor and City Comm~ssioners, City of Delray Beach, Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: - Booth Westerman, Inc. of Florida, the developers of Delray Isle, wish to thank the members of the City Council for their kind cooperation in helping to make the Delray Isle Subdi-' vision an asset to ~u~ city. Your further cooperation in the Following is respectfully requested. As you know Beach Drive, sometimes known as Market Street and/or Northeast Fourth Street, is a right-of-way dedicated for public use and it is the desire of Booth Weste~man, Inc. to pave same according to city speciffications under the supervision of Brockway, Weber and Brockway, Engineers of West Palm Beach, Florida. All expenses incurred shall be borne by Booth Westerman, Inc. We will appreciate having your early approval of this program. Yours very truly, BOOTH WESTEHHAN, INC. ' /S/ J. V. Booth, President~ tm open, grade and pave that portion of Beach 9rive lying between Andrews Avenue and Ocean Boulevard total cost of such improve~t to be borne by Booth-Westerman, Inc. Motion was seconded by Com~ missioner Snow and unanimously carried. City Manager Lawson presented the request of Totterdale De- velopment, Inc., for He-Plat of 14 lots in Seagate Extension, as submitted by Mr. Totterdale, and Con~issioner Barrow moved that' said request be referred to the Planning Board for study and re-` commendation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Snow and un- animously carried. The City Hanager submitted the application of the Great Yellow-Checker Fleet to place in operation taxi-cab service in _ Delray Beach, and reminded the Commission of Ordinance 6-157, amending Section 5, Chapter X of the City Code, wherein it was provided that a "Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity" must be submitted to warrant the granting of a License. The Hanager further advised the Commission that he had asked the Police Department to investigate this application as to need of further cab service in this area. The Chief off Police reported that investigation showed sufficient number of cabs are now li- censed and operating in this area to meet the need. Commissioner Barrow moved that the application be denied and Commissioner Snow seconded the motion. Opon call of Holl '- Hayor Yargates and Commissioners Snow and Barrow favored the motion, Commissioner Strong abstained from voting. The City Hanager then read Ordinance G-230. JANUARY 23rd, 1956o ORDINANCE G-230. {Lake..Xda Hanor) (Yount) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CONNISSION OF THE CITY OF DELHA¥ BEACH, PALH BEACH COUNI'Y, FLORIDA, PLACING THE I~OLLOWlNG DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN RESIDENCE WA# DISTRICT: THE EAST 2UA T R (E¼) OF NOVEL LAND CO PA 'S LOT 4, SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, HANGE 43~EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLOKIDA, ACCOPJ)ING TO THE PLAT SHOWING THE SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ~ALH COUNTY, FLORIDA, RECOPJ)ED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 4. ' WHEHEAS, the hereinafter described property has recently been taken into the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and ~HEREAS, the Planning Board and Zoning Comnlssion of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has heretofore recommended that all ney property taken into the corporate Ii. mits of the City be classified as Residence WA' District, NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COH~ISSION OF THE CITY OF D_N[.HAY BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: ~hat the follovlng described property in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby placed in Hesidence 'A' District, as defined in Chapter XX of the City Code of the City of Delray Beach, to vit: The East quarter (ES) of Node1 Land Companyts Lot 4, Section 8, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to the plat shoving the Subdivision of Section 8, Tovnship 46 South, Range 43 East, on file in the Office. of. the Clerk of the Circuit Cou~t in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 1, page 4. SECTION 2: That the Building Inspector, upon the effective date"of this ordinance, shall make the necessary changes on the zoning map of the City of Delr~y Beach, Floridao PASSED in Regular Session on the ~econd and final reading on this the 23rd day of January, A. D., 1956o IS/ Nike Yar~ates ('SFAL) ttay o r ATTEST: /$/ R.. D. Wo.r. thln~ , City Clerk First. Reading ..... December 27, 1955 Second Reading - - January 23, 1956 PASSED & ADOPTED: .... Januar7 23, 1956. Notion for adoption of Ordinance G-230, on second and final reading, was made by Commissioner Snov, seconded by Commissioner Barrov and unanimously carried. JANUARY 23rd, 1956. City Hanager Lawson then presented the following Reports from the Planning Board: (1) The Beard*s recommendation that the Southridge Properties, Plat ~ 3, as submitted by Kolendo Construction Co. be approved. Commissioner Barrow moved for approval of said Plat ~ 3, as recommended by the Planning Board. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. (2) Regarding the R. C. Lawson proposed subdivision of certain lands lying between Ocean Blvd., and Andrews Avenue, the Board reported - '~£his proposed subdivision would require a forty foot R/~ for a public street servi- cing the lots west of the Boulevard Fronting lot, under present restrictions. It ~as noted that the proposed subdivision proposes lot sizes in accordance with present Res. A. Reqttirements, but smaller than the proposed~re- strictions on R-~Lt classification for this area. The proposed new ordinance will contain provision for a smaller R/~ width where a small ntmber of lets are to be serviced. It is recommended that the subdivision as shown be denied. ~ Following general discussion regarding the nature and character- istics of this proposed subdivision by the Commission with Col. Fabens and H. Ben Adams, the latter speaking on behalf of Hr. R. C. Lawson (developer) assu~ed the Commission that Hr. Lawson would respect and provide for meeting all requirements of R-1AA restrictions of the proposed Zoning plan soon to be submitted by the Planning Board/ Zoning Commission. Commissioner Snow then moved for approval of the R. C. Lawson proposed subdivision subject to meeting all restrictions of R-1AA zoning and providing for a twenty-five (25) foot Court R~ to serve the interior lots. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. (3) The proposed subdivision of Hr. Co Herrick Hammond, ~n Palm Beach Shore Acres - Block E, was considered as well as the report of the Planning Board and respecting the protest of Col. Dugal Campbell relative to granting deviations in this area Com- missioner Barrow then moved that this request again be reviewed by the Planning Board for further study and recommendation. Hotlon. was seconded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. Commissioner Snow moved that Bills in the Amount of $47,574.88 be approved and paid subject to the approval of the Finance Committee. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. Col. Campbell, on behalf of Dr. Hobinson, submitted a report of the Inter-Racial Committee relative to Recreational Facilities in conjunction with the West Side Swimming Pool project and further advised the Commission that the Committee felt it had located the most desirable available area and unanimously agreed that immedi- ate action should be taken towards getting this project under way, especially due to the fact that it has long been needed~ and of the many past promises that the matter of cresting these facilities would take effect. Col. Campbell further informed the Commission that he Felt a Swimming Pool, similar to one recently constructed for similar pur- poses in Pompano Beach, should be provided. Commissioner Snow moved that the City Hanager be instructed to obtain a set of plans from the City of Pampano showing their Swimming Pool project in order that construction of this West Side project might get under way at the earliest possible date. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. JANUARY 23rd~ 1956 Comissioner Strong moved that the Inter-Racial Co~mittee be given a vote of thanks and appreciation for its time and study of the West Side Swinging Pool project and for the completeness off the proposed and reco~ended Recreational facilities as shown on the sketch submitted, and for presentation of its report, by Col. Campbell wherein he reflected the sincere efforts of the Committee in this matter. Meeting adjourned. /S/ R.D. Worthin~ City Clerk APPROVED: MAYOR I I II