03-05-56SpMtg l~h~C~ §th, 1956o A Special Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, was held in the Commission Chambers at 7:30 P. M., with Mayor Mike Yargates in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., City At- torney John H. Adams and the following Commission Members attending, Catherine Eo Strong, W. J. Snow and Emory J. Barrow. Planning Board/Zoning Commission Chairman Robert Blake and Board Members Col. Andrew Fabens, Kenneth Jacobson and James I Sinks were at the Council table as this meeting had been called for the purpose of consultation between the two groups. Public hearings had been held on December 15th, February 20th, and March 2nd in order that property owners might register any desired protests to the proposed comprehensive zoning plan for the City of Del- ray Beach and its supporting Ordinance at which meetings many complaints to the proposed zoning were offered, the majority of which came from Ward I, being that part of Delray Beach lying East of the Inland Water- way. The Planning Board/Zoning Commission, with the aid of Mr. George Simons of Jacksonville, professional city planner, having made careful study in the preparation of the proposed zoning map for more than a year and a half, had submitted to the City Commission the supporting Ordinance with some amendments thereto. However, in view of the many Strong protests, especially affecting Ocean front property, revisions of and amendments to the Ordinance and the previously recommended ad- ditions thereto, were offered by Chairman Blake, speaking for the Zon- ing Board, to the City Commission at this joint meeting for considera- tion. Submission, by the Zoning Board, of its final proposed Zoning Map, together with recon~uended revisions thereo£, and additional amend- ments to the supporting Ordinance, should be effected by the end of this week and only await final recommendations from Mr. Simons, after his study and review of the protests, comments and suggestions offered at the various public hemrings. The Ordinance is expected to be completed and available for pre- sentation and first reading at the regular meeting of the City Commiss- ion on Monday, ~arch 12th, at 7:30 P. M., together with the revised Zon- ing Hap detailed to reflect the Zoning recommendations for the entire City, in culmination of the Zoning Boardts efforts and planning. No official action was taken by the City Commission relative to registering its decision on the proposed zoning, however, the Commiss- ion indicated being in favor of the proposed amendments to the original submitted plan and expressed its unanimous appreciation for the tireless efforts and conscientious planning of the Planning Board/Zoning Commis- sion over the past many months. Commissioner Strong, on behalf of "Gulf Stream Hospital Associa- tion, moved for FREE PARKING, by covering the meters, on March 27th, 1956, County Election Day in this district concerning the Bond issue in support of the Hospital, to encourage and urge people to GO TO THE POLES and ¥0T~. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned. /S/ R.D. Worthing City Clerk APPROVED: MAYOR