03-12-56 MARCH 12th, 1956. A Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, was held in the Commission Chambers at 7:30 P. M., with Hayor Yargates in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., City Attorney John H. Adams and the following Commission Members attending, W. J. Snow, Catherine E. Strong, Emory J. Barrow and Howard Lee Cromer, all members being present. An opening prayer was delivered by Rev. Jo T. Hayes. Commissioner Strong moved that Minutes of the February 27th and March 5th meetings be approved as written. Motion seconded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. Mayor Yargates turned the meeting over to Mrs. Lora Britt who paid tribute to the late Honorable W. A. Jacobs. Police Cheil R. C. Croft, a long time and c~Sse friend of Mr. Jacobs unveiled the morial Plaque. Mrs. W. A. Jacobs then read a respons, thanking those individuals responsible for bringing about this ceremony. Hayor Yargates presented Mrs. Jacobs with a corsage for the occasion. City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., then re~d the first reading of Ordinance G-234, a supporting ordinance for the general comprehensive Zoning Plan for the City of Delray Beach. The Commission then discussed that part of the Ordinance per- taining to Home Occupations, Commissioner Strong not being in favor of allowing such activities due to the obvious and final undesirable conditions in Residential areas. Mrs. Helen Houghton protested the proposed extending of R-3 Zoning northward from Thomas Street to the north line of Ocean Beach Lot 7, and Submftted a Petition in support of said protest which had been signed by many Residents of the Vista Del }far section. Att'y. Paul Gringle, also representing Mrs. Suzanne Corm and Mr. & Mrs. Houghton, registered a protest against Apartment and Hotel Zoning (R-3) north of Thomas Street. Col. S. P. Meek informed the CommiSsion that he had sent into the City Hall a Petition requested the highest zoning for the Vista Del Mar area and protesting R-3 Zoning north of Thomas Street now being proposed. Mr. S. Howard Armstrong, Laing Street & Harmon Court, submitted a Petition, signed by many residents of the Vista Del Mar general area, protesting the proposed Zoning of R-3 north of Thomas Street, and cited a similar situation in New York City which such a change resulted in high grade residences of the ~100,000. class to be forced to alter the homes to apartments and tenements and to finally dispose of properties at a terrific financial loss. Mrs. Edna W; Delin, speaking also for her mother Mrs. Anna Waters, being owners of considerable land in Lot 7 of the area proposed to be zoned R-3, in favoring such Zoning, expressed her desire to go on re- cord as stating that neither she nor Mrs. Naters would ever consider deteriorating any section of the City of Delray Beach, nor in any way lOwer the standard of the Vista Del Mar section, as both she and her mother have lived in Delray and particularly that area too many years and intend to remain there. Mr. Fred A. Watkins, stating that he and others had developed residences in the Vista D~I Mar area of a high grade and creditable to any community, protested any R-3 Zoning north of Thomas Street. Commissioner Snow then acknowledged having attended several Planning and Zoning Board meetings and favored extension of R-3 Zon- ing northward from Thomas Street to the North line of Ocean Beach Lot 7 and wished to affirm his original recommendation of such zoning change. HARCH 12th, 1956 Commissioner Snow then moved that Ordinance G-234 be placed on first reading. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., then read a Report from the Planning Board containing the Boardts recommendation relative to the regulation of Traffic on U. S. ~ 1, which, in effect, recommended that south-bound traffic be directed to Fifth Avenue and North-bound traffic to Federal Highway (U.S.# 1.). Mr. Oscar W. Kibele then inquired as to what width would be re- quired for 5th Avenue, and was advised by Mayor Yargates that same would be sixty feet. Mr. Frank H. Constans was opposed to the recommendation of both the Planning/Zoning Board and the Roads Committee of the Chamber of Commerce as pertains to the one-way traffic for 5th and 6th Avenues. Mr. Constans further expressed doubt as to the Roads Committee's re~ commendation being a majority feeling of the Chamber and was informed by Mr. Ralph Priesmeyer, Committee member, that the Chamber's Board of Directors had approved the recommendation referred to. Mr. Constans further st Zed that he did not believe one-way traffic would continue long on 5th and 6th Avenues if it were undertaken, and protested one- way traffic on Federal Highway. Mr. Herbert L. Post protested any consideration being given to- ward establishment of one-way traffic on 5th and 6th Avenues, and fur- ther cited the present confusion in West Palm Beach due to one-way traffic experiments. Mayor Yargates then informed the audience that the County Com- mission had advised him of the State Road Board's estimated cost of one million dollars for U. S. Highway ~ 1, right-of-way to four lane Federal Highway and that the County did not have that amount of money for such prupose. The Hayor further stated that in offering to the County, the approval of the City to one-way traffic on 5th and 6th ~venues, it would definitely benefit the City in many ways, some of which would be sidewalks, where now none exist, and even more im- portant, drainage ~lich would eliminate the ponds and floating canals now created about the City with every precipitation. Hr. Ralph Longbottom stated that he felt the matter should be put up to the property owners affected, Mayor Yargates replying that it was necessary for the Commission to act in the best interests of all people in Delray Be~ch rather than a few. Mr. Kibele further inquired if 60 feet on 5th Avenue would in- clude sidewalks and was advised that it wouldo Commissioner Snow then stated that he had been advised by the County Commission of their estimated cost of ~378,000. for obtaining necessary R/~ for 5th Ave., which amount was available, whereas ne- cessary funds for obtaining required R/~ to widen Federal Highway would not be available for five to six years. Mr. Ralph Bird, a professional engineer, looking to the future and recognizing future needs, stated that the City Commission would. be very wise to approve the recommendation of the Planning Board. Commissioner Strong stating she did not feel any of her fellow commissioners were any more progressive minded than she, nevertheless she was opposed to one-way traffic being established on 5th and 6th Avenues. Mr. O. D. Priest Jr., then inquired as to what had happgned to the proposal of two years ago for widening U. S. ~ 1. when 50~ or so of property owners affected had offered dedication of additional foot- age on Federal Highway and was advised that insufficient dedication HARCH 12th, 1956 of land for R/~ had been offered and the matter therefore had to be discontinued. Commissioner Barrow then moved that the Commission accept the recommendation of the Planning Board, County and State Road Board, designating East 5th and 6th Avenues One-Way Traffic - Southbound and North-bound respectively. Hotion seconded by Commissioner Cromer. Upon call of Roll, ~ayor Yargates and Commissioners Cromer, Snow and Barrow voted in favor thereof and Commissioner Strong was opposed. Commissioner Cromer then stated that the action just taken sup- ported his contention that the City should recognize and provide for a long range program as pertains to water supply and sewage disposal, and the latter should receive immediate attention especially before any imorovements or alterations to 5th and 6th Avenue rights-of-way. The Commissioner further stated that the original survey and plan of Smith & Gillespie is useable, only requiring being brought up to date. Commissioner Cromer then moved to accept Smith & Gellespiets proposal to bring said plan up to date providing for a definite long range program. Hotion was seconded by Connaissioner Barrow and un- animously carried. Upon request of Commissioner Cromer, City Hanager W. E. Lawson, Jr., explained circ~nstances surrounding the failure of a Well on S. Swinton Avenue, causing a shortage in the Cltyts water supply, and as a result of a conference with J. P. Carroll, who constructed the original well, estimated an approximate cost of $2,500.00 to place this Well back in satisfactory operation. Commissioner Barrow moved for awarding Contract to Hr. J. ?. Carroll for over-hauling this Well and making necessary repairs and adjustments to assure satisfactory water supply therefrom. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. The City Hanager then read, for second reading, Ordinance 6-232. ORDINANCE G-232o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY C0~ISSION OF THE CITY OF DELBAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING THE ASSESSHENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSHENT ROLL SUBHITTED BY THE CITY ~L~NAGER OF SAID CITY, CONCERNING THE CLEAR- ING, GRADING, PAVING AND CURBING OF THAT I?ART OF SOUTH F~ST THI~ID AVENUE. LYING BETWEEN ATLANTIC AVENUE AND SECOND STREET. ~EREAS, the City Hanager of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has, in pursuance to the Charter of said City, submitted to the City Commission for approval, a report of the cost, and the assessment r011 for the clearing, grading, paving and curbing of that part of South East Third Avenue lying between Atlantic Avenue and Second Street, and WHF~REAS, said report and assessment ~oll were approved by the City Commission in regular session on the 13th day of February, A.D., 1956, and WHEREAS, due notice concerning said asses.sment roll was given by advertisement by the City Clerk, in accordance with the City Char- ter of said City, for the purpose of hearing objections to said as- sessment roll, and WHEREAS, no sufficient objections were received to the confi~m- ation of the assessment roll, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: HAHCH 12th, 1956 SECTION 1. The assessments, as shown by said assessment re~l, which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby levied against the property shown and ~n amounts sho~ on said assessment Roll, said assessments to be paid in five (5) equal annual install- ments, together with interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent pep annum, the First installment becoming due and payable on Hatch 13th, 1956, and on the 13th day of Hatch for the next ensuing Four (4) years; and said special assessment, so levied shall be a lien From the date the assessment becomes effffective, upon the respective lots and parcels of land descrived in said assessment roll, of the same nature and to the same extent as the lien for general taxes, and shall be collect- ible in the smne manner and with the same penalties and under the same provisions as to sale and forffeiture as City Taxes are collectible. PASSED in Regular Session on second and final reading on this the 12th day of Hatch, A. D., 1956. /S/ Hike Yargates HAYOH (S~L) ATTEST ...... /S/ R. D. ~orthinf City Clerk First Heading .... February 27, 1956 ., Second Reading - - - Hatch 12, 1956 PASSED & ADOPTED- - - Hatch 12, 1956 ASSESSHENT ROLL Clearing, Grading, Paving and Curbing of that part of South East Third Avenue lying between Atlantic Avenue and Second St. Description Front Front Ft. TOTAL of Propert~ 0~ner Footage Assessment ASSESSF~ENT N. 199 ft., less S. Delray P~operties 197.75 $ 1.879 $ 371.57 1.25 Ft. & Less $/~. Corp. Block 85. E of Ry. S 56.25 Ft. of N 250 Ft. of Block 85, O.D. Priest, Sr. 56.25 105.69 - E of Ry. S 225 ft. of N 480 Ft. F. E. C. Hailway Co. 225 422.77 of Block 85, E of Ry. S 139.2 Ft. (H/L) F.E.C. Railway Co. 139.2 261.56 Block 85, E of Ry Block 86, less 190 ft. F. E. C. Railway Co. 447 839.91 East of Railway 190 ft. of Block 86, F.E.C. Railway Co. East of Railway (CITY PARKING LOT) 190 357.01 Lot 1, Block 93 First National Bank 141.55 265.97 Lot 36, Block 93 Cecil 0. & Hlldred 60.66 113.98 Stanley HARCH 12th~ 1956. Description Front Front Ft. TOTAL of Property Owner Footage Assessment Assessment Lot 35, Block 93 Thelma A. Priest 24.26 $ 1.879 $ 45.58 Lot 34, Block 93 Thelma A. Priest 24.26 45.58 Lots Sl~ 32 & 33, l~elma A. Priest 72.78 136.74 Block 93 Lot 30, Block 93 Alfar Creamery Co. 24.26 45.58 Lot 29, Block 93 Alfar Creamery Co. 24.26 45.58 Lot 28, Block 93 Alfar Creamery Co. 24.26 45.58 Lots 20 thru 27, Alfar Creamery Co. 197.46 371.03 BloCk 93 Lot 1, Block 94 H. Haild Zeder 61.2 115.00 ' 2 " ~ H. Haild Zeder 61.2 115.00 ~ 3 ~ s H. Haild Zeder 61.2 115.00 ' 4 , , H. Haild Zeder 61.2 115.00 ~ 5 ~ ~ H. Haild Zeder 61.2 115.00 ' 6 ' ' H. Haild Zeder 61.2 115.00 ~ 7 ' ~ H. Halld Zeder 61.2 115.00 " 8 " " H. Haild Zeder 61.2 115.00 " 9 " " H. Haild Zeder 61.2 115.00 " 10 " ~ H. Ha/Id Zeder 61.2 115.00 2460.95 ~4,624.13 1. Plans & Spec. 506.00 2. Brockway 10.45 Adver. for Bids 3.37 Resolution No. 982 25.85 Assessment Roll (Est.) 31.50 Ordinance (Est) 2.32 579.49 CONTRACT (Hardrives) 14,834.26 $15,413.75 70~ 10,789.62 Cityts share of expense (Per policy estab. 6714/55) $4,624.13 TO BE ASSESSED Comissioner Strong moved that Ordinance 6-232 be passed on second and final reading. Hotion seconded by Co~issioner Snow and unanimously carried. MARCH 12th, 1956. City Hanager Lawson then read, for second reading. Ord. G-233. ORDINANCE 6-233. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING ~IE ASSESSM~I~TS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBHITTED BY THE CITY }~NAGER OF SAID CITY, CONCERNING THE OPENING, GRADING AND PAVING OF THAT PART OF SOUTHEAST FOURTIt STREET BETWEEN S. E. THIRD AND S. E. FIFTH AVENUES. WHEHEAS, the City Hanager of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has, in pursuance to the Charter of said City, submitted to the. City Commission for approval, a report of the cost, and the assessment roll for the Opening, Grading and Paving of that part of South East Fourth Street, between South East 3rd and South East 5th Avenues, and / WHEREAS, said report and assessment roll were approved by the City Commission in regular session on the 13th day of February~A. Do, 1956, and WHEHEAS, due notice concerning said assessment roll was given by advertisement by the City Clerk, in accordance with the City Charter of said City, for the purpose of hearing objections to said assessment ro11, and WHEREAS, no sufficient objections were received to the confi~m- ation of the assessment roll, NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Commission o£ the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: SECTION 1. The assessments, as shown by said assessment ro11, which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby levied against the property shown and in amounts sho~n on said assessment roll, said assessments to be paid in five (5) equal annual install- merits, together with interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent per annum, the first installment becoming due and payable on Hatch 13th, 1956, and on the 13th day of March for the next ensuing fou~ (4) years; and said special assessment, so levied shall be a lien from the date the assessment becomes effective, upon the respective lots and parcels of land described in said assessment ro~l, of the same nature and to the same extent as the lien for general taxes, and shall be collectible in the same manner and with the same penalties and under the same provisions as to sale and forfeiture as City Taxes are collectible. PASSED in Regular Session on second and final reading on this the 12th day of March A. D., 1956. /S/ Hike Yar~ates (SE ) A Y o R ATTEST: IS/ Ho D. Worthin~ First Reading February 27, 1956 Second Reading- Hatch 12, 1956 PASSED & ADOPTED- Havch 12, 1956 ASSESSMENT ROLL Opening, Grading and Paving of that part of South East Fourth Street, between S. E. 3rd and S. E. 5th Avenues. HARCH 12%h, 1956 Description Front Front Ft. TOTAL of Property o~ner Footage Assessment ASSESSHENT Lot 12, Block 96 T.L. & Nannie G. 132.5 $2.189 $290.04 Straight Lot 24, Block 96 Edward A. & Alyce Do 132.5 290.04 Fricke Lot 13, Block 104 John T. & Margaret D 135 295.52 Carroll Lot 12, Block 104 Ada E. Martin 135 295.52 Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, William H. & Elfreda 187.3 410.00 Block 4, Osceola Pk. Dickman Lots 5 & 6, q.L. & Ada Martin 93.7 205.10 Block 4, 0sceola Pk. Lot 1, Block 2 Walter J. & Jennie ¥. 132.5 290.04 0sceola Park Leith Lot 10, Block 2, Mary Hoghan 132.5 290.04 1081 $2,366.30 Preismeyer 4.20 Adver. for Bids 1.83 Adver. for Bids 1.90 Resolution ~ 978 19.20 Assessment Roll (Est.) 13.20 Ord. Caption (Est.) 3.00 43.33 CONTHACT (Carver) 3t 900.50 $3,943.83 40~ 1,577.53 City's share of expense (per policy estab. 6/14/55) *'60~ ~2,366.30 TO BE ASSESSED Commissioner Strong then moved that Ordinance 6-233 be passed on second and final reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. Commissioner Snow then moved that Bills in the sum of 928,191.61 be paid subject to the approval of the Finance Committee. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. Commissioner Barrow moved for allowance of $75.00 to Attorney Neil MacMillan for attorney's fee in connection with the Ruth Mart suit. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Conzaissioner Barrow then moved for appropriation of $100.00 from Unappropriated Surplus for Membership Dues in Palm Beach County Resources Development Board. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Mayor Yar~ates recommended that a traffic signal light be in- stalled at East Atlantic Avenue and Seventh Avenue. HARCIt 12th, 1956 Co~missioner Strong moved that the Hayorts recommendation for~ installation of Traffic Light at Atlantic and East Seventh.Avenues be accepted and said Light installed. Notion was seconded by Com- missioner Snow and unanimously carried, It was agreed to await provision of necessary funds to cover cost of installing a Traffic Light at N. Federal Highway and 4th Street in the coming fiscal year's budget. Hrs. Lillian H. Dryfuse, speaking in behalf of ~r. E. H. Britton and Dr. R. L. Dryfuse, protested the result of the City having aband- oned an alley in HcGinley-Oosman S/D and the location of the Chamber of Commerce Building in 7th Cou~t as permitted by the City. Heeting adjourned, ,/s/ R. D. Worthins City Clerk APPROVED: HAYOR