04-19-56SpMtg APRIL 19T~, 1956 A Special Meeting of the City Co~nission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida was held in the Commission Chambers at 7:30 o'clock P. ri., with Mayor Mike Yargates in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., City Attorney John H. Adams, and the following Com- mission Members attending, Catherine E. Strong, W. J. Snow, Howard Lee Cromer, a quorum being present. Planning Board/Zoning Commission Chairman Robert Blake, to- gether with members Col. Andrew Fabens, Kenneth Jacobsen and James I. Sinks, also attended this meeting as did Mr. Stephen Middleton, County Engineer and Ass't. County Engineer George Frost. The City Manager presented Plans of Sinclair Refining Com- pany's proposed Service Station, approved by the Building In- specter, to be constructed on Lots 26, 27, and 28, Block 113, being the S. E. Corner of Federal Highway and N. E. 4th Street. Commissioner Strong moved for approval of the Plans which the Building Inspector assured had met all zoning requirements as well as Building Code specifications. Motion was seconded by Com- missioner Snow and unanimously carried. There followed some discussion as to the advisability of referring all such Plans to the Planning Board for their approval. Mr. Jacobson felt that a ~egistered Architect's approval of any construction should be respected. Col. Fabens did not feel that referral of such Plans, to the Planning Board, should be necessary. Commissioner Cromer expressed a desire that plans for con- struction on the Federal Highway, as well as Atlantic Avenue and Ocean Boulevard, be referred to the Planning/Zoning Board for study and recommendation in the future, to which the Commission agreed being assured by the Planning Board of its willingness to accept such references for consideration. City Manager Lawson presented Plans for Cabana operation by the Seagate,Cabana Club, east of A1A and immediately south of Casuarina Rd., if extended eastward from Ocean Blvd., and the request of said Club to Bulkhead their property east of the Blvd. Mr. Stephen Mlddleton commented extensively on the effect of Bulkheads and groins throughout the County, presenting aerial photos of the entire coast line within Palm Beach County. Mr. Middleton Further advised that neither the County nor the U. S. Corp of Engineers would establish a Bulkhead Line within Municipalities, however, both groups should be consulted and mutually approve any Bulkhead Line established by a Munici- pality. Mr. Middleton also informed the City Commission that Palm Beach County is at present deliberating on the reconstruction of the Coast Line within the County (approx. 45 mi.). -elative to the request of the Seagate Cabana Club, which was the primary cause f0~this meeting to be scheduled, Mr. Middleton suggested that~possibly the City might grant such deviation as would permit construction of the Cabanas to the E'ly R/W line of Ocean Blvd., eliminating a set-back requirement. Commissioner Strong moved that no Permit be granted for the construction of any Bulkhead. Motion was seconded by Com- missioner Cromer and upon Call of ~oll - Mayor Yargates and Commissioners Strong and Cromer voted in favor thereof, Com- missioner Snow being opposed. Commissioner Cromer moved that the Plans be referred to the Planning/Zoning Board for consideration and recon~nendation concerning Set-Back Deviation. Motion was seconded by Com- missioner Snow and unanimously carried. 56 APRIL 19T~, 1956 }ir. Albert Pope presented a sketch of a proposed sub- division of the East 300 ft. of the West 417 ft. of the North 100 ft. of Ocean Beach Lot 3 in S/b of Fractional El of Sec. 16-46-43, Pl. Bk. 1-25, requesting approval thereof together with set-back requirements and necessary provision for egress and ingress. Commissioner Snow moved that this request be referred to the Planning/Zoning Board for study and recommendation. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cromer and unanimously carried. . Meeting adjourned. /s/a~ D. Worthlng City Clerk APPrOVeD: A"¥ o a