05-10-56SpMtg MAY 10TH, 1956 A Special Meeting of the City Commission was held in the Com- mission Chambers at 7:00 P. M., with Mayor Mike Yargates in the chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson, Jr., City Attorney John H~ Adams, and the following Commissioners being present, Catherine E. Strong, W, J. Snow, Emory J. Barrow and Howard Lee Cromer, the ful~ Com- mission being present. This meeting had been called for the purpose o£ further con- sideration concerning the request from Sea ~ay, Inc., for a permit to construct a Bulkhead, in modified form from the original plan, at the Cabana Club on Ocean Blvd., and attending this meeting in support of the request of Sea Ray, Inc., were Mr. Stuart Moore, Pres., Mr. Lipp, Ass't. City Manager of Miami Beach who is also an Engineer and respected authority on Bulkheads, Groynes and the resultant effects on adjoining properties from the installation of such constuctions, and consultant engineer for Sea Ray, lnc., Mr. Deutehman. Mayor Yargates informed the assembly of his belief that Bulkheads, being unnatural, are very likely to cause damage in the area of their existence, and that the Commission had twice previously denied the request of Sea ilay, Inc., regarding a Bulkhead, however, the meeting had been called to allow Mr. Moore the opportunity of presenting any new or revised plan and to hear the recommendation of Mr. Lipp, whose knowledge of, and experience with, ~ulkheads, through many years of study, is highly respected, according to i'ir. Steve Middleton, ~ounty Engineer, who was in attendance. Mr. Lipp submitted a revised sketch of a proposed bulkhead on the Sea aay, Inc., property, and informed the Commission that, based upon extensive study of Bulkheads, Groynes, and their re- lationship to damage, caused by storms and hurricanes in areas where bulkheads and/or g~oynes exist, the proposed modified sea- wall would neither benefit nor have adverse effedt on adjoining properties, nor be, in any manner, a contributing factor to damage caused any properties in the area from storms, due to the location of the proposed bulkhead. Mr. Lipp further advised the Commission that damage caused along Ocean Beaches, as evidenced by many persons, where there are groynes in the area or bulkheads constructed too far out in deep water, was due to that type of installation, whereas the proposed Sea Ray, Inc., bulkhead, due to its design and location would not cause damage to adjoinin~ properties under normal conditions. The City Attorney inquired if the proposed bulkhead and high water from storms would not cause erosion and was advised by Lipp that erosion occurs with or without sea walls. Att'y. ~hea Whitley, on behalf of Mr. L. B. Harrison who owns the property immediately to the South of the Sea ~ay, Inc., Cabana Club, registered objection to the construction of any sea wall in that area, and pleaded for serious consideration by the Commission on the matter before effecting a decision. Considerable discussion followed with comments from Mr. A. A. Lipscomb who spoke on behalf of the Beach Taxpayers League, and who protested the granting of any permit for bulkhead con- struction within the City limits, also Mr. H. H. Moffitt and Melville F. liiley who referred to extensive damage caused to the Beaches north of Delray, in years zone bye, from Bulkhead co ns tuc ti on. Mr. Lipp, supported by others familiar with this area and damage caused by storms over many years, differed with Mr. Riley and ~'~r. Moffitt as to the cause of the damage, believing that such was due to the existence of ~roynes and not of any Bulk- heads that may have been in the area. Mr. Lipscomb, inquirin~ as to why this 3rd meeting to consider the Bulkhead request, was advised by Mr. Blake, Chairman of the Planning/Zoning Board, that only the first request was denied, the 74 ~LiY 10~i· 1956 second request, having proposed a sea-wall 13 to 14 feet west of the orlginal designed bulkhead was tabled in order to permit the City Manager to conduct further study for the purpose of recom- mending a definite Bulkhead Liner Hr. Steve Middleton, County Engineer· advised the Commis- sion that, in his opinion, any bulkhead constructed in the Ocean or any Groyne would be definite factors in future damage from storms, however, he did not believe thst the now proposed sea- wall would be a contributing factor to any damage to adjoining properties resulting from high winds or storms and hurricanes, but this could depend upon the storms direction as to whether or not damage resulted. A telegram was received from Hr. Julius W. Noyes, owner of Beach property, protesting the granting of any permit allowing construction of a bulkhead at the Cabana Club. Following general discussion relative to bulkheads, action of shifting sands as a result of storms and possible damage from any sea wall construction permitted prior to an established bulk- head line along the Ocean throughout Palm Beach County, Commis- sioner Cromer moved that the request of Sea Ray, Inc., for a Bulkhead Permit, be denied. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and upon Call of Roll - Hayor Yargates and Commissioners Strong and Cromer voted in favor thereof, Commissioners Snow' and Barrow were opposed. Motion Carried. Hr. Stuart Hoore then stated he would request his attorneys to file a ~250,000.00 suit against the City. Commissioner Strong requested same be included in the min- utes and in view thereof would seek to change her original vote favoring the grant of deviation allowing a two-foot set-back from the E'ly N/W line of A1A for the constr~ction of Cabanas~ Mr. Moore then apologized for having commented hastily and rescinded his threat of suit. Mr. Deutchman then sketched on the black-board a possible solution to this problem, which would provide desired protection to the property concerned, same being grade beam construction on piling 14 to 15 feet apart, 4 to 5 feet deep, on piling of 12 to 121 feet. Hr. Steve Middleton informed the ~ommission· upon request for comment relative to such installation, that resultant affects from storms would not be comparable to that caused with bulkhead or sea-wall existence and that he saw nothing detrimental in the granting of such protection to the lands in question, whereupon, the Commission tentatively agreed that such would meet with their favor, and requested Mr. Deutch~an to prepare for presentation a sketch of the proposed grade beam installation. Hr. ~tobert Gracey questioned the procedure of the Commission regarding the County owned land Northwest of the City· in the Lake Ida area· believing that Planning/Zoning Board should be consulted prior to the Commission taking definite st~ps towards acquisition of lands. Commissioner Strong moved that there be referred to the Planning/Zoning Board the proposed action of the City Commission concerning an application to the '~oard o~ County Commissioners in and for Palm Beach County for transfer of County owned lands in Section 5-46-43, for the Planning Board's consideration and re c ommenda ti on. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. Mr. Joe kern· of Carter-kern· presented Messrs. Edward Bolender· Howard Brown and Lindsay H. Eve who, concerned with the developement of Tropical Isles, presented a sketch of the potential ~Y 10TH, 1956 development and expressed their desire for annexation of Tropical Isles, together with a request for proper procedure and cost estimate for the establishment of Delray Water Supply to the Development containing approximately 319 acres and providing l'or 900 homes. Hr. Bolander, on behalf of his aasociates, tentatively agreed to provide necessary funds covering cost of said in- stallation and to be reimbursed FoP same From Future water s&les reve~lue, The Commission requested Hr. ~olander to submit a Formal request For annexation together with survey map reflecting plan o£ development. fleeting adjourned. ~S/ R. D. Worthing City Clerk" APPitOVED: