05-25-56SpMtg MAY 25TH, 1956 A ~pecial Meeting of the City Commission was held in the Commission Chambers at the City Hall on Friday, May 25th, 1956, at 7:30 P. M., with Mayor Mike Yargates in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson, Jr., City Attorney John H. Adams and the following Commission Members being present; W. J. Snow, Emory J. Barrow, and Howard Lee Cromer~ a quorum being present. City Manager Lawson read Emergency Ordinance No. G-237 - ~Hm~G~.NCY Or, DINg, Cb: G-237 AN EMEitG~.iNCY OI~DiNANCE O~' THP. CITY 0F DELItAY BI~ACIi, ~LOitlDA, ~ItCISING SAIl)CITY'S POLICE POW~ TO PItJ~V~NT ~IOTS W1TH1N SAID CITY; FOrbIDDING T~, CA~iHYING OF ~'ONS ON THL P~SON Oit IN MOT0~ VEHICLe; AOTFlO~IZING Tile SEARCHING 0F ~L INDIV1DU~S AND V~ilCLES IN Tli~ PUBLIC PLACES OF SAID CITY FO~ O~G~i0US ~0NS; AUTH0nlZING T~ CONFISCATION THE~EOF AND P~SCi(I~ING P~N~TIES FOR Tti~ INT~FE~(~CE WIT~ ~Y POLICE OFFICE~ ~N EN- FOAC1NG 'fHIS W~ii~AS~ a great ~ount of tension exists in the City of Oelray Beach~ Florida, over the use of the Municipal Beach ~nd Municipal Swiping Pool~ and Wii~i~AS~ the City Co~ission has been informed that an unusually large n~ber of residents of this City and nearby areas have ~eently purchased large quantities of guns and ammunition, and WIiE~AS~ persistent r~ors have come to ~he attention of the City Commission that trouble will soon break out on the Municipal Beach which may lead to injury and death to the resi- dents of this City, and WH~AS, an emergency exists in the City of Delray Beach, Florida~ due ~o the fact that no ordinance exists authorizing the stopping of all persons and vehicles within the City of Delray Beach; the searching of s~e For the purpose of locating concealed weapons and the confiscatJo~ of ~qc~ weapons~ and the City Co~ission deems it necessary for the i~ediate preserv- ation of public peace, property, health, morals and saCety~ that this ordinance be passed as an emergency ordinance, and WH~it~AM~ the State of Florida has heretofore granted unto the City of Beach~ Florida~ police powers, which grant Delray Section 7 (15)~ and the appears in Municipal Charter at Wiik~AS, the State of Florida has the power and authority to delegate such police powers to its municipalities by reason of .the Constitution of the State of Florida and the Constitution of the United State of ~eriea~ in order to prevent'strife and riots and to promote and preserve health, safety and general welfare of all of the Citizens of Delray ,~each, Florida~ NOW TH~FO~iE~ BY VlitTdE OF Tile POLICE PO~R GR~TED TO SAID CITY AS ~'u~SalO~ BE IT iNO I[ IS ~HEBY O~DAINED BY THE CITY GO~IISSION ~JF THE GIi'Y OF DE~tAY BEAGti, FLOItlDA~ AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That no person other than a au~y qualified officer of the law shall, on the streets, alleys, sidewalks, parks, beaches or other public places within the City of Oelray Beach, ~lorida, during the interim of this emergency, carry either on his person, or in any vehicle any danger'ous weapon. section ~. MAY 25Tli, 1956 The Chief of Police and the police officers of the City of Delray Beach, l"lorida, are hereby authorized to search any and all persons and vehicles who are upon :the public places of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as above set forth, and to confiscate and take from them such dangerous weapons as may be found thereon or therein. Section 3. For the purpose of enforcing this ordinance, the Chief of Police and the police officers of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are authorized to set up such road 'blocks as may be necessary in the opinion of the Chief of Police of this City for enforcing this ordinance. Section 4~ The emergency as herein defined shall be deemed to exist until this ordinance is repealed by the City Commission of the City of Delray .Beach, Florida. Section 5. Any person who shall violate this ordinapce, ~pon confis- cation thereof, shall be fined not more than ~ 500.00 or imprisoned in the City jail or at hard labor upon ~ streets or other public workd o£ the City not exceeding 60 days, or both such fine and imprisonment. ~" Section 6. This is an emergency ordinance and shall become effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND AI~0PTED in Special Session on this the 25th day of May, A. l)., 1956. /S/ Mike Yargates MAYO~ ATTEST: /.S/ lt. D. Worthing City Clerk Commissioner Snow moved that Emergency Ordinance G-237 be passed and adopted on first and final reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow. Unanimously carried. The City Manager then read Emergency Ordinance No. G-238. ~h~IE~tGENCY O~tDINANCE G-238 AN kMEIIGENCY OaDINANCE O1,~ THE CITY OF DEL~tAY BEACH, FLORIDA, EXE,IC1SING SAiD CITY'S POLICE PO~( ro PRE- VENT INTER-KACIAL itlOTS WITHIN SAiD C1TY; DEFINING THE T~itM~ AS USED iiEilEIN; FOItBIDDING THE USE OF TIiE MUNICIPAL BEACH m~D MUNICIPAL POOL TO TIlE N~GttO ~IACE; PitESC~ilBING P~N~LTiES FOH ANY VIOLATIONS; SPECIFYING DUiiATION OF l'lir, h~IE~iGENCY ANb r~EPEAL1NG ALL O~iDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEiiEIN. ~HE~AS, a great deal of unfavorable publicity has resulted to the City of Del ray Beach, Florida, beaause said City has no ordinance or regulation preventing the intermingling of the negro and white races within this community, and YHk~AS, as a result of such adverse publicity, large numbers of negroes from other communities have come upon )ktY 25TH, 1956 the Municipal Beach, and ~.EttEAS, as a result of the invasion of the Municipal Beach by these non-resident negroes, near riots have occurred between members of the negro race and members of the white race, and WH~AS , racial tension has increased in this commnnity to the point that the life of one Commissioner of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has been threatened, and WHEi~AS, the Municipal Beach and the Municipal Pool are located adjacent to the white residential area and removed from the negro residential area, and WHE~tEAS, an emergency exists in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, due to the fact that no adequate ordinance exists prohibiting the mingling of the negro and white races on the Municipal Beach and in the Municipal Pool, and the Commission of said City deems it necessary for the immediate preservation for public peace, property, health, morals and safety, that this ordinance be passed as an emergency ordinance, and WHEitEA5, the state of Florida has heretofore granted unto the City of Delray Beach, Florida, Police Powers, which grant appears in the Municipal Charter at Section 7 (15)~ and Wi~.E~EAS, said State of Florida has the power and authority to delegate such police powers to its Municipalities by reason of the Constitution of the State of A'lorida and the Constitution of the United States of America~ and in order to prevent strife and inter-racial riots and to promote and preserve the health, morals, safety and general welfare of all of the Citizens o£ Oelray Oeach, Florida, and ~HEREAS~ the State of Florida has granted unto Municipal Corporations, for the preservation of public peace and morals, for the suppression of riots and disorderly assemblies and for the order and Government of the City and Town, the right to impose such pains, penalties and forfeitures as may be needed to carry the same into effect as provided in the Florida Statutes of 1941 at Section 165.19. NOW, THE~EF0!tE, by virute of the police powers granted to said City as aforesaid, BE IT and IT IS ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: Section 1. Definitions. For the purpose of this ordinance: (a) "Nezro" is defined to be any person of the negro race as defined by the Florida Statutes of 1941, in Section 1.01. (b) "Municipal Beach~ is defined to be that parcel of land located in Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: That parcel of land in Section 16, T~p. 46 South, Hge. 43 East, lying between the Sidewalk as now laid out and in use, which side- walk lies along the East side of Ocean Boulevard and the high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean. (c) "Municipal Pool" defined is that certain swimming pool located upon the following described property~ as well as all improvements located thereon, said property being described as follows, to-wit: l~Y 25'£~, 1956 Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 17 of the subdivision of the East half (E-~) of Section 16, T~p. 46 South, Hge. 43 East, in Palm Beach County, l"lorida, said sub- division plat being made by Geo. W. Potter and executed by Sarah 6. ~leason, W. H. Gleason and others and duly recorded in the records of the Clerk of the ~ircult Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida. From said point of beginning go West on the South boundary line of Atlantic Avenue 150 feet; thence go South 50 feet; tt~ence go East to the East boundary line of said lot 17, from thence go Norther~ along the East 5oundary line of Lot 17 to the point of beginning, and Lot 17 and the East one half (E½) of Lot 18 in ~lock 1 of Ocean Park, according to a plat of 0ce an Park now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 2. No member of the negro race shall go upon the Delray Municipal Beach or the Delray Municipal Pool as said terms are defined and described herein, during the interim of this emergency unless said person is an employee of the City of Delray 5each, Florida, and is directed by proper authority to Eo upon said Beach or said Pool in pursuit of their employment. Section 3. The emergency as herein defined shall be deemed to exist until this ordinance is repealed by the City Co~nission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. Section 4. Enforcement. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with and abide by any of the provisions of this ordinance. (b) Any person who shall violate this ordinance, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than Five Hundred (500) dollars, or imprisoned in the City jail or at hard labor upon tile streets or,other public ~orks of the City, not exceeding sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 5. Any ordinance of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, in conflict herewith is hereby repealed. Section 6. This is an emergency ordinance and shall 'become effectixe immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED in Special Session this the ~Sth day of ~ay, A. D., 1956. ' ' h-~-Y 0 1~ ATT~,ST: /S/ ~. D. Worth~n~ City Clerk MAY 25TH, 1956 Commissioner W. J. Snow moved that Emergency Ordinance G-~38 be passed and adopted on first and final reaqing, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Howard Lee Cromer and unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned. ~S/,,~. D. Worthing Ci~'y C'ierk APP~OVED: