06-11-56 JUNE llTH, 1956 A Regular Meeting of the City Con~nission of the City of Delray Beach, was held in the Commission Chambers at 7:30 P. M., with Vice-Mayor Catherine E. Strong in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., City Attorney ~ohn H. Adams and the following Commission members present: W. J. Snow, Emory J. Barrow and Howard Lee Cromer, a quorum being present. An opening prayer was delivered by Rev. J. T. Hayes. Commissioner Snow then moved the Minutes of the May 28th and June 5th meetings be approved as written. Motion was sec- onded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. City Manager Lawson explained the circumstances concerning the utility (water) completion in the Tropic Isle residential development o£ Tropical Isle Development Company's subdivision and recommended that the developers be allowed to use transit pipe in water lines installation. Commissioner Barrow mo~ed to accept the recommendation of the City Manager and grant the use of Transit Pipe for said installation. Motion was seconded b y Commissioner Cromer and unanimous ly carried. The City Manager then reported that plans for the West Side Swimming Pool, together with changes required by the State Health Department had been received. Commissioner Barrow moved that this matter be deferred for further consideration until such ~ime as a full Commission be present. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cromer. Upon call of roll, Commissioners Barrow, Cromer and Snow voted in favor of the motion, Vice-Mayor Strong being opposed. City Manager Lawson then read a letter from Mr. H. H. Alexander, Principal of the belray Beach School, wherein Mr. Alexander requested financial aid for the purchase of necessary equipment to be used in the summer recreation program for the children of Delray Beach. Commissioner Barrow moved that this request be approved and that an allocation of ~100.00 be provided for assistance in this worthy effort. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. The City Manager then read a letter from Archer & Warriner, Inc., regarding the existing lease for operation of the Delray Beach Yacht Basin; " ARCHER & WA~iINER, INC. 777 Palm Trail at Eighth Street P. 0. Box 2115 Delray Beach, klorida June 7th, 1956 Mr. William E. Lawson Jr., City Manager City of Delray Beach Delray Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Lawson: The following is in regard to the Delray Beach Yacht Basin and the long term lease for its operation between Archer & Warriner, Inc. and the City of Delray Beach. Without question it has been our full intention to provide the City with the most modern yachting facilities possible, and to operate them for the term of our lease. We believe a creditable job in that direction has been accomplished thus far. Within the last several weeks it has become increasingly apparent to us that our construction activities in Dayton 102 JUNE llTH, 1956 Ohio are such that it will take the combined efforts of both Mr. Archer and myself for an indeterminate period. For that reason we do not feel we can continue to give this boating operation our undivided and personal attention that it requires. We have therefore entered into a preliminary agreement with Mr. Stuart L. Moore, President of Sea Ray, Inc., to purchase our lease and continue the Yacht Basin operation. Mr. Moore is very familiar with this business, and we know will continue to offer excellent facilities to the visiting yachtsmen. With the foregoing in mind we ask that the City of Delray Beach approve the assignment of the lease, between Archer & Warriner, Inc. and the City of Delray Beach, to Sea ~ay, Inc. under the terms of said lease. Your co-operation in the past has been most helpful and is very much appreciated. Sincerely yours, /S/ Homer L. Warriner Homer L. Warriner HLW:mw Con~nlssioner Snow then moved that permission be granted Archer & Warriner, Inc., to assign the Lease, hel~ between them and the City of Delray Beach, for the operation of the Delray Beach Yacht Basin to Sea Ray, Inc., subject to the ap- proval of the City Attorney and further subject to there being NO EXPENSE to be incurred by the City of Delray Beach. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. City Manager Lawson then read the following Resolution: KESOLUTION NO. 1009. A ~ESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELilAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUIRING PLANS, SP~CIFICATIONS AND AN ESTIMATE OF COST F0ti '~tE CONSTRUCTION OF FIVE (5) FOOT SIDEWALKS AND CURB ON THE NORTIt AND SOUTH SLOES OF NORTH-EAST SECOND STREET, BETWEEN SWINTON AVENUE AND THE FEDEiiAL HIGHWAY (6TH ). WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, - Florida, may deem it to be necessary for the safety and conven- ience of the public to construct five (5) foot sidewalks and curb on the North and South sides of N. E. 2nd Street between Swinton Avenue and Federal Highway (6th Avenue) in the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, the City of Delray Beach to share the cost of such improvement with owners of lands abutting thereon. NOW~, THEREFORE, BE IT i~ESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: Section 1: That the City Manager be required to submit plans, specifications and an estimate of cost of such improvement to be made, and that ssme shall be placed on file in the office of the City Manager. PASSED AND ADOPTLD by the City Com~ission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on this the ll th day of June, A. D., 1956. 1.03 JUNE 11TH, 1956 /S/ Catherine E. Strong Vice-Mayor ATTEST: /s/a. D. Wot thin~ City Clerk ~ESOLUTION NO. 1010. A ~SOLUTION OF TILE CITY COMMISSION OF TIiE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FL01LIDA, ~QUI~ING PLUS, SPEC- IFICATIONS ~O AN ESTImaTE OF COST FOR CLEWING, G~ADiNG AND PAVING NOH~-~ST SECOND STREET BE- T~ SWINTON A~N~ ~O FE~E~ HIGHWAY (6TH AVENUE) WITH BI~MINOUS CONC~ TO A WIDTH OF rOaT~ (~) F~. ~H~S the City Co~ission of the City of De, ay Beach, Florida, my deem it to be necessa~ for the safety and con- venience of the public to clear, grade and pave N. E. and Street between S~inton Avenue and Federal Highly (6th Avenue) ~ith t~inous Concrete to a ~iath of forty (~) feet, the City of Delray Sea~, Palm Beach County, Florida, to share the cost of such improvement with the o~ers of lands abutting thereon. NOW, 'rHEf~O~ BE IT RESOLVED by the City Co.lesion of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, as follows: Section 1: T~t t~ ~ity H~ager be required to submit plans, specifications ~d an estimate of cost of such improvement to be ~ds, and that the same shall be placed on file ia the office of the City Managen PASSED ~D ADOPT~ by the City Co~ission of the City of Del- ray Beach, Florida, on this the ll th day o~ June, A. D., 1956. ~.S/ Catherine E. Stron~ Vic e-~layor ATTEST: /s/a. Worthin$ City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 1~11. A RESOLUTION 0t.' THE CITY COhMISSION OF THE CITY OF DEL~AY BEACH, ~L0~IDA, REQUIRING PLANS, SPEC- IFICATIONS A~ND ESTIPk~TE OF COST FOR INST~LATION O~ STOOl S~ CATCH BASINS ~D ~-H0~S TO D~IN T~ ~PROXI~TE ~ BOUNDED BY NORTH~ST THI~ ST~ET ON ~E NOiiTH~ k'ED~ HIGHWAY (6TH AVEN~) oN THE E~T~ NORTH~ST SECOND ST~ET ON THE SOUTH ~D SW~TON A~NUE ON T~ ~ST; b~RT~R PRO- VIDING THAT SUCH PLANS, SPEC~ICATiONS ~D ESTIMATE OF COST BE PLACED ON FILE IN T~ OP~ICE OF THE CI~ ~,AGER. BE IT ~SOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, ~'l~ida, as Follows: 1. T~t t~ City M~a~er shall secure plus, speeiffieations and est~ate oF cost For the installation of necessary storm sewers, catch basins and man-holes to dr~n the approximate area 104 JUNE llTH, 1956 bo~nded by: North-East Third ~;treet o)1'tire Nor't};.,, Federal Highway (6th Ave) on ~e East~ Nor~-East Second Street on the South, S~nton Avenue on ~e ~est. 2. That such plans, speeifiea~ons and estimate of cost shall be placed on file In the office of the City ~anager in City Hall. _ PASSED ~D ~0PTED this 11~ day of J~e, A. D. 1956. /S/Catherine E. Stron~ ¥1ce-Hayor AT TEST: D. Worthin C1 ty Cie rk Commissioner Cromer then moved for adoption of Resolutiom No's. 1009, 1010 and 1011. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. City ~an, ager W. E. Lawson Jr., then read the ~aeport~ of the Planning/Zoning Board and also a letter from Robert F. Blake, concerning the request for Sea l/all Permit by Inter- national Register Company. Comn;issioner Cromer moved that the ~Requesr' of the Inter- national Register Company, for a Sea l/all Permit, be denied. ~otion was seconded by Commissioner SnOw and unanimously carried. Commissioner Sno~ then moved that Bills, in the amount of ~38,149.26, be paid subject to the approval of the Finance Committee. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. Commissioner Barrow moved that the request of Hay Blakely to remove a frame and stucco residence from NW 5th Ave., at Atlantic Avenue, and relocate same on part of Lot 4, ~lock 35, be granted subject to the owner complying with all City Build- lng and Zonint ~egulations. i'~otion was seconded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously carPied. Commissioner Barrow moved that the request fop building - permitpe ,rmlt, submitted by James l/ebb, be referred to the Planning/Zoning Board. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. The City ~anager then submitted the request of J. T. Deese for alteration of construction on Lot 29, ~lock 7, Osceola Park S/D, permit. Commissioner Barrow moved that this request be referred to the Planning/Zoning ~oard for study and recommendation. Hotion was secnded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. Commissioner Barrow moved that the request of Glenn- ~oore-Hertz, Inc., concerning propos, ed plat of Lake Shore Estates be referred to the Planning/Zoning Board for study and recommenadtion. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. Commissioner Cromer moved that the requests for permit to remove a building just south of the Beach Shack to Lot 15, Lincoln Park S/D, and also dwelling known as C. Y. Byrd House, to the Planning/Zoning Board for its recommendation. Hotlon JUNE llTH, 1956 was seconded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. Mr. John Thayer inquired as to what action had been taken concerning the Vest side swimming pool, having arrived a~ter the meeting had been called to order. Mayor Strong informed Mr. Thayer of the official action taken earlier in the evening to table this item until a full Co~lssion was present, though opposed such delay. Col. Dugal Campbell was informed, by Mayor Strong, of the relationship between the Finance Co~l%tee and the Financial Advisory Board. Meeting adj ournedo D. ~orthin$ City Clerk