07-25-56SpMtg JULY 25TH, 1956 A Special Meeting of the City Commission was held in the Commission Chambers at 4:30 o'clock P.M., with Mayor Mike Yargates in the chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., City Attorney John H. Adams, and the following Members of the Commission being present, Catherine E. Strong, W. J. Snow, Emery J. Barrow and Howard Lee Cromer, the full Commission being present. Commissioner ~arrow made the following statement and motion: ~'"In view of the fact that the Attorney General has ad- vised that it is not good practice to follow in allowing City Commissioners, in any way, to supply material or sub-contract- ing work to a general contractor having received a City con- tract and in view of the fact that Commissioner W. J. Snow is:the only ready-mix concrete supplier in this city or in the near vicinity, and in view of the fact that the concrete mixture cannot be hauled long distance without losing some of its strength, I, being an enthusisstic Chamber of Commerce supporter of this city and believing in trading at home chore possible, move that the Commission go on record authorizing and sanctioning Commissioner W. J. Snow to submit a bid and if determined to be the lower bidder, to supply concrete m~tevials to Hlviera Pools, Inc., the general contractors ~ho were awarded the contract to build the negro Municipal Pool. This would therefore eliminate any question regarding Commissioner W. J. Snow's ethics in aubmitting a sub-con- tract bid on this particular municipal job which has already been awarded to the general contractor." Some discussion followed during which Commissioner Cromer stated that if competition existed the circumstances of th/smatter and his opinion would be different, but there is no other supplier in the area able to deliver satis- factory concrete, due, mainly to the fact that the churning of concrete, taking place during transportation beyond a forty-five minutes period lessons the strength of the product which 'causes delivery of an inferior quality of the product. The City Attorney expressed his belief that, in view of the circumstances concerning availability of the all important material factor in the construction of the Swimming Pool,, 'sanction of the action outlined in Commissioner Burrow's motion would be justified. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cromer and upon Call of Roll, Commissioner Strong stated "In as much as Commlssionw W. J. Snow was present at the Special Meeting, on July 16th, 1956, when the Con~nission awarded the contract for construc- tion of the Pool, I vote No", Mayor Yar~ates and Commissionem Barrow and Cromer voting in favor thereof, Commissioner Snow not voting. Commissioner Snow expressed a wish that a hooting be called to consider disposal of the Golf Course, that proceeds therefrom might directly or indirectly result in betterment of local street and sidewalk conditions. Commissioner Strong felt that a meeting, for such consideration, should be held as soon as possible but that the Vote of the people of Delray Beach should be solicited as they should have a vote in considering disposition of this property. The Commissioner further requested that s joint meeting, with the full Golf Committee, be held to consider possible action concerning the Golf Course Property. Mayor Yar~ates set a tentative date for such meeting to be held on August 8th, 1956, pending availability of the Golf Committee ~embers', and requested the City Manager to contact Warren G. Grimes and Fred ~IcNeece concerning such a meeting. When the City Manager again called the attention of the Commission to possible annexation of Lake Shore Estates the Mayor st~ted he desired to inject his thin,king, l'or con- sideration by the Commissioners, concerning general annexation JULY 25TH, 1956 of lands surrounding the present boundaries of Delray Beach, which, by favorable legislative action, is possible. The Mayor requested the City Manager to study this. matter, determining available, unincorporated lands to the North, South, and reasonable distance to the West, which, if brought into the City, might create a more uniform geographic boundary to the city 1/mits of Delray Beach than now exists, and to prepare a Map reflecting the results of his investiga- tion and incorporating his recommendation for consideration by the Commission. The Commission agreed that Glenn, Moore & Herts should submit a revised plat of pro, posed Lake Shore Estate S/D, providing for North-South R/W aceoss present city boundary line on the south side of said S/D, and Commissioner Cromer moved to reject the present plat, as submitted. Motion . was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., presented, for consider- ation by ~he Commission, a Bill in the amount of $1,250.00 submitted by Att'y John H, Adams, for services rendered in connection with the Youngblood et al vs. City of Delray Beach case. Commissioner Snow moved that said bill be paid, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cromer and unanimously carried,~ The City Manager then presented the application of Neil MacMillan for permit to move the house, j, ust south of the Delray Theatre, to Lot 15, Lincoln Park S/D, which the Building Inspector advised the Manager w, old meet all zoning requirements for the area of intended location. Commissioner Cromer moved that permit, for the moving of said house from Lot 7, Block 100, to Lot 15, Lincoln Park S/D, be granted, subject to all building codes and regulations. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. City Manager Lawson presented the bids received for the air-conditioning installations of City Hall Offices, recommending the low bid of $2,395.00 be accepted. Commissioner Strong moved that the low bid of Atlantic Electric Company, in the amount of $2,395.00, for furnishing all necessary material and installing air-condition equipment shown below, in the City Hall Offices, transferring necessary funds for such expense. Motion was seconded by . Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. 1 1~u Ton RCA Tax office 1 1~ " " Cashier' s Office 1 1 " " Police Dept. 1 1 " " Bldg. Ins. Office 1 I " " Accounting Dept. 1 3/,4" " City Manager's Office 1 3/4" " Manager's Outer Office 1 3/4" " City Engineer's Office.,~ Other Bids received were - Joe Sante, Inc., $ 2,675.00 MacEach ron Refri g. 2,800. O0 Meeting adjourned. /S/R. D. WORTHING City Clerk APPHOVED: