11-05-56SpMtg NOVEMBER 5th, 1956. A Special Meeting of the City Commission was held in the Commission Chambers at 4:00 P. M. with Mayor Yargates in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson, Jr., City Attorney John H. Adams and the following Commission Members being present - Cathering E. Strong, W. J. Snow, Emory J. Barrow and Howard Lee Cromer constitu- ting the full Commission. This meeting had been called at the request of the Golf Committee and Mayor Yargates invited the Committee Members, Fred McNeece, B. C. Butler, Warren G. Grimes, W. H. DaCamara and Pete Cole to sit at the Commission table. Following discussion of the Country Club,s activities it's Members, through Chairman Fred McNeece advised the Commission of having decided, for the best interests of all concerned, to effect a change in the management of the Club. The Gol~ Committee further informed the Commission of having solicited many proposals from various Golf Professionals and submitted a proposed lease agreement to the Commission with the recommendation that the proposal of Ray Haynor, in the amount of $6,750.00 per year with prepayment of the first and last month,s portion thereof, be accepted. Mayor Yargates read the proposed lease, as presented by Golf Committee Chairman Fred McNeece. Commissioner Snow recommended some minor amendments and Commissioner Cromer expressed his desire that the Committee take necessary steps' to maintain a reasonable charge for each operational activity and that a Bond of sufficient amount be provided by the lessee to insure proper liability and protect the interests of the City. Commissioner Snow then moved that the Golf Committee be instructed to handle this matter and draw up an amended lease agreement for the Commission,s approval. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cromer and unanimously carried. City Manmger Lawson then presented the revised plat of Hio Del Hey Shores as prepared by the subdivision,s developers Mr. Don Mitchell and Mr. Bill Miller, previously referred to the Planning Board, and read the report of the Planning Board as fol~ows~ October 31, 1956. Rio Del He~ Shores S/D. The Board felt that there were three basic 'reasons for some ~eViation from the letter of H-1AA zoning restrictions; (a) The proposed plat is immensly better than the existing platted development of many fifty-ft, frontage lots, which the owners could legally proceed with, for far less cost and trouble; (b) The unusual condition of a strip of commercial zone east of the Federal Highway backed by a good quality residential zone without the usual buffer of R-3 or R-2 zone between. The developers' solution, using a 40' R/W dividing street limits the remaining residential strip in depth. Large lots here might be difficult to sell, directly behind commercial property, thereby working a handship on the developers. (c) The Owners, restriction requiring a residence area of 1500 sq. ft. min., an increase over the 1250 required in H-1AA. In spite of deviations in lot size of several lots, and of normal requirements of street frontage, the Board recommends acceptance of the Plat as drawn on the print dated Oct. 29, '56, and with the notes shown on the plat print dated Oct. 25, t56, with the following provisions; 1. setbacks: front (street) 25 ft. ~terways 15 ft. side lines 10 ft. 2. general basic orovisions: area drainage approved by the City Engineer, sewage disposal in accordance with Board of Health rules, satisfactory assurance to the City that the developers build and finish-pave all streets shown, NOVEMBm ~th, 19~6. final plats returned to the Planning Board for approval, prints of the approved plat to be filed with the City showing water supply lines, fire hydrants, power poles, street lights (if any), invert elevations of storm sewers and sanitary sewer~ (if any). Commissioner Cromer moved for approval of said plat in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Board, subject to final acceptance by the Zoning Board, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. The City Manager then read the following recommendation of the Planning Board concerning the deviation request of Mr. Wright Bart; Mr. Wright Bart request for deviation in front setback from S.E. '5't~ Street to '20 ft. (from 30 ft. requirement of R-1AA)o After considerable discussion the Board agreed that a basis for deviation existed for two reasons; (a) the property adjoins the strip of C-2 business zone east of the Federal Highway, which allows construction out to a ten ft. setback from the street frontage, and (b) the 60 ft R/W from Federal to the canal is not required for service to no more than six lots, particularly since th£s street does not continue west of .the highway, being blocked by the property used by the Women.s Club. It was felt that this street should be reduced to a 40 ft.R/W with a turn-around at the canal o The Board therefore unanimously reco~m;iends that the deviation be granted. It is further recommended that the Commission consider the possibility of reducing the 5th Street R/W as noted above. Commissioner Snow moved for approval of said deviation request as recommended by the Planning Board. Motion seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. City Manager Lawson then informed the Commission of the coming meeting of the A~.~JA, in Daytona Beach, pertaining to water supply and distribution, and that he would be unable to attend. The Commission unanimously agreed that Commissioner Cromer should attend this meeting and that the City ah ould defray the expense incurred. Commissioner Strong requested the Commission's consideration for granting the Playhouse Group the use of the Civic Center for the coming season. The City Manager informed the Commissioner that this matter is on the agenda for Monday's regular meeting. Commissioner Barrow moved that the City Manager be instructed to contact the Recreation Committee concerning the possibility of another Playhouse Season,s operation within the Civic Center. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Meeting ad Journed.. /s/.. R.. O. Worthing City Clerk APPROVED: MAYOH