11-13-56 NOVEMBER 13TH, 19~6 A Hegular Meeting of the City Commission was held in the Commission Chambers with Mayor Mike Yargates in the Chair, City Manager W, E. Lawso~ Jr., City Attorney John H. Adams and the following Commissioners being present, Catherine E. Strong and Empty J. Barrow An opening prayer was given by Att,y Nell MacMillan. Commissioner Strong moved that the Minutes of the October 22nd, and November ~th Meetings be approved as written. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. Mayor Yargates then read a letter from R. J. Holland, Chair- man of the Beach Committee: Honorable City Commission Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: Reference is made to letter sent you November 7th,1956. After further study, we feel it best to delete question number 2. Actually all our committee is concerned with at this time is incorporated in question number 1. We particularly wish the question placed on the November 20th Ballot as voting is heavier at the Promary Election than at the General Election. We would also suggest note be made on ballot that this is an opinion poll, not a ~eferendum Electionl Respectfully yours, /s/ ROBERT J. HOLLAND, Chm. Beach Committee Commissioner Barrow then moved that the question regarding the ourchasing oI' additional ocean frontage for use of our colored citizens be placed on the Primary Ballot. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Commissioner Strong moved that the following Clerks and Inspectors be appointed for the Primary Election: Precincts 26 & 28 C L E R K C.C. Turner Inspectors Florence Cramp Mrs. Irene LePage Mrs. Nina Sprott Y~s. Blanche Lamb Precinct No. 27 C L E R K Ozie Youngblood Inspectors Lens Brunner L. L. Youngblood Alberta Palmer Natalie Bush Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. City Manager W. E. Lawson then informed the Commission that the Florida Power & Light Company is desirous of augmenting the present Electric ?ower Supply Line into this area by eI'fecting a secondary feed line, thereby assuring this general area, and particularly Delray Beach, oL greater and more valuable service, especially in troublesome times resulting from abnormal storms. Commissioner Strong moved that we accept the reco~nendation of the Florida Power & Light Company,s District Manager Charley Senior in his desire to effect better service I'or this area, and grant them the privilege of installing the proposed secondary feed line, as outlined on a map presented by the City Manager NOVEMBh~ 13TH, 19~ and ~. Senior, both of whom highly favor and recommend such augmentation oI° power supply I'or this district. Motion was seconded by CommissiOner Barrow and unanimously carried. The City ~anager presented a request from Paul Ledridge and four other p~.operty owners in Lot 9, Section 8-46-43, seeking egress amd ingress~ by virtue of public right-of-way, to inside lots within the NW-~ of Lot 9, Sec. 8-46-43. Commissioner Barrow moved that this matter be referred to the Planning/Zoning Board. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Mrs. Dorothy Stolienwerck, s~eaking on behalf of the Garden Clubs, requested that serious consideration be given in regard to tae beautification of the city. i~s. Stollenwerck further advised that the Clubs were ready and most willing to assist in any manner possible. The Commission thanked Mrs. Stollenwerck and the Clubs for interest extended and desire to i~urther beautify the City, and Commissioner Barrow expressed a desire that the Clubs would aid in beautifying the grounds oI' the new hospital. Mrs. Stollenwerck further advised oi' the need for additional water supply to nourish the present plantings on the approaches to the Atlantic Avenue bridge, which are suffering from moisture~ shortage. City Manager Lawson then read Ordinance G-241. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMIS~IOM LEVYI~G THE ASSESS- MENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESS~T ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITE ~AMAGEM OF SAID CITY, C0~CEnNING THE CO~ST~UCTIO~~ OF A SIDEWALK FIVE (5) FE~T IN WIDTH, 0N THE EAST SIDE 0~' SOUTH SWINT~ aVeNUE DE~.~EE~ FOURTH AND TENTH STREETS. Commissioner Strong moved that Ordinance G-241 be placed on first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. Commissioner Strong again requested the City Attorney to contact the Attorney General for assurance that all procedures' incorporated in Ordinance Mo. G-240, placed on first reading October 22nd, 19~6, were legal. The City Manager submitted the "Report" of the Planning Board, concerning front setbacks from Atlantic Avenue between Swinton and West 8th Avenues. Commissioner Barrow moved for acceptance of the Planning Board's recomendation wherein the Board soecified the need of a set-back of ~3 feet from the center line in said area. Motion was~ seconded, by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. The City Attorney advised that tha above action would need to be effected by "Emergency" ordinance and was instructed to prepare same. Commissioner Barrow moved that Bills, i~ the amount of $40,961,42, be paid subject to the approval of the Finance Committee. Motion seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Commissioner Barrow moved that bills for advertising - RE. Beach District - be paid from Un~)propriated Surplus. Motion by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. City Manager Lawson oresented the application of Mrs. A. A. Simon for set-back deviation on Lot 19, Block 71, recommending that same he referred to the Planning Board. Commissioner Barrow, in acceptance of the recommendation from the Manager, moved that said deviation application be referred to the Planning Board. Motion seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Commissioner Barrow moved that the request of Robert Cameron for Zoning change covering Lots I - ? inclusive in Block 3 of P~.at of Southridge S/D, Pl. Bk. 13-38, be referred to the Planning/ Zoning Board. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Commissioner Strong moved that the following Applicants be approved and their names be placed on the Ballot at next Tuesday's Primary Elect~on. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. Two (2) Year Term of Councilman --- Dugal G. Campbell George B. Courtney J. LeRoy Croft Arthur J. Michael R. O. (B~ddy) Priest Joseph G. Rose, Jr. George V. Warren One (1) Year Term of Councilman --- Howard Lee Cromer Albert DiCampli ~obert J. Holland Martha K. Holland Mike ~argates Commissioner Strong moved for an appreciation of thanks to the Youth Recreation Committee for their cooperation in approving use of the Civic Center by the Little Theatre group for the coming season as extended in letter of November 12th from its Chairman, Mrs. Ena G. McFee, and read by City Manager Lawson. November 12th, 19~6 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: The Youth Recreation Committee met last Thursday afternoon in regards to the Little Theatre Group using the Youth Center for another year. This committee appreciates your cooperation in thinking of us before making a decisiom, however, we are civic minded citizens of Delray Beach and feel the progress of our town certainly depends upon the coooeration of us all. Our youth has grown to such a c~ac~ty until the lack of space limits us to a full and complete youth program, therefore, we unanimously approved the Little Theatre using the building again for this season. ~m. Blake told us of their olans in trying to acquire a builming site and to raise money for the building. Our committee would like to go on record as being the first to cooperate with the Little Theatre group and other civic minded groups to work for and endorse a commenity auditorium which woul~ solve all our problems. We are working toward this and will appreciate the endorsement of other interested groups. Our committee wishes to thank you for your cooperation in our work and we believe we have had one of our best years. Sincerely, ,Is~ Ena G. McFee Chairman of Youth ~ecreation NOVEMBEH 13TH, 1956 Unanimously agreed upon. The City t¥ianager then read the following letter from the Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce - November ~th, 1956 Honorable City Commission Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: On behalf of the Merchant Division of the Chamber of Commerce, may I express our appreciation for the cooperation of the City Council in the success of our recent Fall Sale Festival, by allowing free city-wide parking durin--~-~h~--~-~ur '~aYs '0f 'the sale. As you might have heard, the sale was a great success. I feel sure that this success would not have been possible without your fine gesture of allowing the free parking. Thanks again. Yours sincerely, /s/ nw, CHAIRMAN, Fall Sale Festival /s/ W. S. RANSDELL OStAIRMAN, Retail Merchant Comm. Mrs. Maloy again registered a complaint concerning the legality of the arrest of her husband and was advised by the Mayor and City Attorney that the matter was out of the jurisdiction of the City Commiss ~on. The Building Inspector requested oermission to approve the removal of a building, belonging to Mr. k~n. Yount, to Lot 20, Block 2, Atlantic Park Gardens, on SW 13th Avenue. Commissioner Barrow moved that said request be granted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Commissioner Strong moved for aporoval, as to design and apoearance, of the Manor House Co-op Apartments as submitted by Building Inspector Ralph Hughson. This aonroval concerns the recently established Dolicy of the Commission relative to plans for proposed construction on Ocean Boulevard. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned. /s/, R. D. Worthi,n~ .., City C1 erk A?? ROVED: